Tuesday, November 27, 2018

I LOVE MANCHESTER! - Manchester, England

 my acrostic poem/group email for you

Incredible week!

Light the world!
Oh so excited for Christmas
Very busy
Everyone needs the Gospel!

Make sure everyday counts
Accountability is key
Never enough time!
Cold cold cold
Happy as can be
Sleep faster
Training elder Pohořelický! let's gooo!
Excited for this transfer!
Read your Book of Mormon everyday!

(Much love, Elder McConkie)

Friday, November 23, 2018

Dare to Stand Alone! - Manchester, England

Hello Loves!

It's been a brilliant 2 weeks. Manchester is the greatest. 

Transfer calls were yesterday and the twin towers of the EMM are splitting up. Elder Carlson is off to Chorley to be a ZL and I'm training a new missionary here in Man South! I get my trainee tomorrow morning and I'm so excited for this transfer. 

So we aren't allowed to use the "I'm a Mormon" pass along cards anymore so I turned a bunch of them into little playing cards for object lessons with members! The Members here are so great and are key in missionary work so we've been trying to help them see that everyone everywhere can do missionary work. No excuses!

We had a street Display in Sale on Saturday. And I don't know what was happening but bible bashers were just coming from everywhere!
10 minutes in, a man came up to me and told me I was wasting my life away, that Joseph Smith was a fraud, and that I should just quit now and go home. This isn't the first time this has happened of course but this man was trying to tear me apart and I almost almost almost lost my cool (please note that I am not using the C word in slang but to refer to my temper). So my patience was tested and then I met two other bashers who were just ridiculous and it took all my willpower to not just destroy them with doctrine from the scriptures. 

After the third I turned around, looked up at the sky for a second, took a deep breath, and then a scripture popped into my head:
2 Nephi 6:17-"...for the mighty God shall deliver His covenant people. For thus saith the Lord: I will contend with them that contendeth with thee-" 
And the spirit hit me, and It confirmed to me this idea that the Lord was on my side, that my Heavenly Father was with me helping me along the way and that I could trust Him. 

I kept talking to people and within the next five minutes found a man named David! The spirit took over the conversation and as I bore testimony of the book of mormon I told him that if he read it, he could trust God and that he could know for himself. It was amazing to testify of something I had just gained a witness of.

The Lord is preparing people to hear the gospel!
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder McConkie

PS I dunked on Elder Carlson let's gooooooo

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Usain Bolt - Manchester, England

Hello friends and family!

What a week! Oh my days it went fast.

This week was busy and Elder Carlson and I have been quite literally sprinting all over Manchester in our suits and sidebags going from place to place because there is never enough time in a day. I remember watching elders in Prague run around in their suits and thinking that it was the most missionary thing possible so when I do it I just think to myself "Wow! I'm really a missionary!" it's great

We've had a lot of great lessons too with some of our new friends. One of which is this man I miraculously found thanks to the spirit, named Pascal. I don't think I've ever met someone who loves Jesus Christ as much as Pascal does. Usually people see our badges and run away but Pascal saw my badge and said:
 "Oh yes! Wonderful. I love Jesus. Yes yes yes. Very good! When shall we meet?" 
He's the man! and he is so excited to read the Book of Mormon once we get him a French copy this week. 

Another one of our new friends we met this week is named Sheffield! I was talking with him and asked what he was studying at University. He told me he was studying American history. I pulled out a Book of Mormon and said:
"Thats great! We have a book all about American History!" 
He is amazing and so prepared to hear the gospel. We hope to meet with him this week.

Some other fun stuff:
I street contacted Frankenstein which was pretty great

I started crying at a members house because I had the spiciest pepper of my whole life sweeeet goodness I was dying

On one of our bus rides we got hit by a car and then had to sprint to our tea appointment

Our oven is broken so I cooked apple pie in a frying pan

Elder Carlson is a baller

Luke 15 is amazing

Hurrah for Israel!
Elder McConkie

Monday, October 29, 2018

Alma 38! - Manchester, England

Hello Loves!
It has been a rollercoaster of a week as well as a rollercoaster of a P day and I have no time to write an email. But people say a picture is worth a thousand words or something like that so you can make up your own stories of how my week went!

If I had time for a spiritual thought it would be on Alma 38 it's brilliant

Love you all!
Read your Book of Mormon every single day!!
Hurrah for Israel
Elder McConkie

Elder Carlson & Elder McConkie

Elder Carlson & Elder McConkie

Monday, October 15, 2018

Tallest Companionship in Church History - Manchester, England

Hello loves!

I'm loving Manchester South and my new companion Elder Carlson is fantastic! He's from Utah and is probably the only other missionary in the world taller than I am. He's 7 foot and I'm 6'9 so we've had some funny reactions this week to our height and multiple drunks have tried to fight us to show their buddies how tough they are. Good fun.

We've been working really well together. We've found loads of new people we hope to meet up with this week and start teaching. I am consistently astounded at the influence our Heavenly Father has in this work and how he leads us to those who are ready to hear the gospel. It is truly a blessing and there's no way we could do it by ourselves. 

My trainer Elder Audrlicky told me the day before I left Liverpool that the best missionaries are like Michael Jordan. Michael Jordan could go into any game at any time and instantly make a difference and change the game. Man South is my new arena and I'm here to make a difference! I don't want to just go through the motions on my mission, I want to teach repentance and baptize converts. I want to invite as many people as I can to come unto Christ. 

As I've been thinking about the change in church schedule I've studied the talks from general conference. Over and over they say that this will help "deepen conversion". I think this change has come because far too often members just go through the motions and aren't building their testimonies or faith as frequently as our heavenly father would hope for us. If you feel like you are just going through the motions of the gospel, that's OK. You can change! I invite and plead with you to start thinking how to make your homes and lives more centered on the atonement and gospel of Jesus Christ. Take the necessary steps to build your faith!! Be a spiritual Michael Jordan yeah? 

Much Love to all of you! 
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder McConkie


Me, Elder Carlson, and the new Elder Chen!

Me and elder C

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Manchester-Bound - Liverpool, England

Hello Loves!

Crazy crazy week, sweet goodness it's been busy

Some highlights:

Elder Audrlicky and I went to Manchester on Wednesday for a new missionary training and it was so fun to see the MTC group again

On Saturday we woke up early to go fill the font in Liverpool. The font was pretty filthy so we spent a good hour cleaning it so there wouldn't be hair and bugs in the water. We finally finished cleaning the font and then started filling it and after a few minutes it started spewing this nasty thick yellow water and we flipped out. So we drained the font, cleaned the font again, and Thank goodness it all worked out eventually. 
Ewan and Kay were baptised later that day in clean water and it was wonderful.

I loved conference so much!! I am grateful for a living prophet who has a vision for this church and is actively making great strides to further the work of the Lord. 

I'm leaving Liverpool tomorrow! I've been transferred to the Manchester South area and I'm stoked for this next transfer

Much love! 
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder McConkie

1.the MTC crew
2.baptism day
3. My man elder Chen!
4.cleaning the font/I fixed the mirror thing woot

the MTC crew

baptism day

cleaning the font/I fixed the mirror thing woot

Monday, October 1, 2018

Faith Cereal - Liverpool, England

Hello Loves!

It's been a crazy week!
A lot of our plans fell through over and over this week and there have been some hefty days of street contacting and door knocking. We've been able to find lots of great people though that I'm looking forward to teaching this week.

Who else is STOKED for General Conference

Liverpool is great because there's 3 other companionships in the ward and we get to go on tons of exchanges because my trainers are zone leaders! We've been with the Southport, Warrington, Crosby, and Liverpool B elders and it's so much fun

I just burned my pizza because I spaced out writing this spiritual thought so please enjoy it:

I've been studying lots about faith and decided that faith isn't like a little seed it's more like honey hoops (off brand honey nut cheerios). When you pour cereal into a bowl, then the next step is to add milk. You naturally think "Oh yeah this needs some milk" because who wants just plain cereal. The difference between faith and belief is that faith naturally invokes action. You can't have genuine faith, not do anything and pack your bags for the celestial kingdom, that's nonsense. If you have genuine faith then you're going to naturally apply some sort of action in response. For example, if you have genuine faith in Jesus Christ then you will NATURALLY want to repent frequently and sincerely, you will NATURALLY want to make and keep covenants with God and you will NATURALLY have a desire to endure to the end and remain worthy to have the holy ghost with you. So yeah, faith is like honey hoops! The more you act on your faith (add your milk to your cereal) then the more miracles you'll see (The more tasty your bowl of cereal)! 

Metaphors are pretty neat aren't they

Have a great week everyone
Listen to General Conference!
Much love
Elder McConkie

Monday, September 24, 2018

Ball is Life - Liverpool, England

Hello hello!

I want to go play basketball with the other elders so here's my rapid fire email for the week:
Liverpool is grand
It rains all day every day
I make killer omelets
We accidentally killed a squirrel
Miracle: We met an Italian named Salvador in pouring rain who brought 5 friends to a lesson 
Our investigators Ewan and Kay are getting baptised on Oct6!
I sang in the primary program!
You already know the Brazilian kids and I are working on our secret handshakes
The Book of Mormon is amazing
Go read your Book of Mormon it's amazing
I drove on Penny Lane (If you're a Beatles fan you'll get it)
Skauss is not English
I love contacting!
I love my companions!
I love my mission!
I love this gospel!

Spiritual thought woot!
Take advantage of the power of prayer!! Pray sincerely and often to your heavenly father! He loves us so much and wants us to talk to him and ask him for help. Pour out your heart to him! Tell him your hopes and dreams, your worries and fears and then have faith that he will help and guide you. Prayer is powerful!

The only picture I took this week was of me and my killer pasta salad haha sorry

Have a lovely week everyone!
Elder McConkie

Monday, September 17, 2018

- Liverpoool, England

Hello Loves!
It's been another grand week here in Liverpool! We've been so so busy but it's been great. 

This week my trainers had to go to a mission leadership council in Manchester so I got to go on splits with the phenomenal Elders Li and Chen. We had the craziest day ever and so many things just didn't work out. But then I contacted a lady at the bus stop and she wasn't super interested but she liked how willing we were to talk with her that she gave us 20£!! So we went to KFC and spent every last pence and had a feast. It was a bit of tender mercy haha.

I am so so happy I get to speak English on my mission, but also, I'm learning a little bit of lots of languages! There are so many different languages and cultures here that it helps to be able to connect with people a bit in their native tongue. 

The other day we went to visit our friends in the hospital and we read scriptures and taught them about prayer in Portuguese. At a street display, I contacted a lady in very broken Czech and tried to understand Skauss. Later that night we had Chinese festival we put on as a district that was aimed at bringing in ysa and there was a testimony meeting after in Chinese. After the testimony meeting, our companionship grabbed elder Brochu from France and we went and taught the restoration to one of our investigators in French!

I've realized this week how universal our church really is. It doesn't matter who you are, where you come from, what language you speak, or anything! We are all sons and daughters of God and he loves us all so much and wants us so desperately to return to him. That's why the gospel needs to be preached in every nation and every tongue! That's why we need missionaries! God speaks to his children through the spirit but how are they supposed to know that if we don't spread the word that everyone has a savior to turn to and a father in heaven who is mindful of everything they're going through. Spread the good word! Love the people!

Everyone go read Helaman 5:6-12 and then go tell someone why it's so important to have a testimony of Jesus Christ. Verse 12 is a classic but it's so important in this day and age.

This was a lengthy email sweet goodness
Love you all!
Elder McConkie

Elder McConkie, Elder Li, Elder Chen

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

One Month! - Liverpool, England

Hello! This week has been lovely. My trainers are working me hard and we've been able to teach a lot this week! I don't really know how to summarize everything so I'll just share the 2 most memorable moments from the week:

1) We accidentally set the church kitchen on fire

2) We have had a few street displays in downtown Liverpool this week where there have been some very interesting encounters while contacting. Most of the time people just try to avoid you or pretend they don't see you (but I know they can, I'm 6'9 for crying out loud). One time I tried to stop a man and he said, "sorry brother I've gotta keep walking" and I was kinda tired of people giving me that excuse so I said "alright I can walk with you" And he was kinda surprised haha but I walked with him and ended up giving him a book of Mormon and bore my testimony of it. One thing I've learned is if you can crack people's worldly shell and can really start seeing them the way God does, your love for them (even if you've only met them for a minute) grows and you want nothing more than for them to realize how much God loves them! The gospel can fill any problem or worry or concern someone has, you just have to find out what it is.

Find someone this week who is struggling. Be there for them, love them and let them know that their father in heaven loves them unconditionally! Be bold enough to share something from the gospel that you think will be able to help them!

Missions are so hard and can be discouraging but I've already been able to see how the Lord is helping us find those who need the Lord. 

My motto this week has been:
Have Faith! Act in Faith! And see the blessings! 

Love you all!
Elder McConkie

Monday, September 3, 2018

LIVERPOOL! - Liverpool, England

Elder McConkie, President McReynolds, Sister McReynolds

Last Tuesday we were shipped out of the MTC and took a bus to the mission home in Manchester! President and Sister McReynolds are fantastic. My whole companionship thing is a bit complicated haha. I'm in a trio with two Zone Leaders! My companions are Elder Auderlicky from the Czech Republic and Elder Masekoameng from South Africa/London. They've been working me hard and I've learned lots from them already. Because they have lots of ZL responsibilities I'll sometimes go on splits with Elders Li and Chen from China and Taiwan. So I've got essentially 4 trainers. It's grand.We are serving in the central Liverpool area and it's a beautiful city. Reminds me a lot of San Francisco.

Some highlights from the week:
Meeting the members! The Liverpool ward has a lot of different nationalities especially Brazilians and Chinese so I'm learning a bit of Portuguese and Mandarin from the members. They're all so joyful and I love em already.

We hosted a fireside in Liverpool last night where recently baptised members told their conversion stories and bore their testimonies. Missionaries from around the mission brought people investigating the church to listen to people who were in their shoes just a few weeks ago. It was a great night and I think it really impacted some people we are teaching.

The 21 day BofM challenge!
There is a challenge going around the Europe area that invites people to read a passage from the BofM that correlates with some big questions that some people might have for 21 days. It's a fantastic challenge and if you want to try it(you should) you should be able to find it on LDS.ORG.UK We did a street display advertising it downtown and I really enjoyed talking to people about it. It's funny though how people have such strong, negative opinions of the BofM when they haven't even read it haha.

I love you all, please please read your Book of Mormons every single day. In a world filled with so much chaos and distractions, it can give us such great peace and happiness!!

All the loves
Elder McConkie

Tour of Liverpool with President and Sister McReynolds

Elder McConkie and companion Elder Auderlicky from the Czech Republic

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Book of Mormon>British Bible Bashers - England MTC

This week has been great. I love the MTC here and it's fantastic how much we're able to learn about the Gospel. 

 I am getting a tad bit tired of sitting in class all day though and excited to get into the field. My favorite parts of the week are when we get to go practice proselyting at Picadilly square in Manchester! Elder Hardman and I got turned down a lot but we were able to talk to a lot of great people about the church and religion. Since the MTC sends 50 missionaries every week at the same time to the same place, a lot of anti-Mormons come to try and "bible bash" with us haha its fun to hear everyone's experiences when we get back on the bus. Lots of miracles and lots of rejection :) 
It's difficult to understand some people though because of how thick their British accents are, sometimes it feels like I got called foreign speaking and nobody told me haha. When you can't understand a word they're saying, you just gotta risk it for a biscuit and start talking about the book of Mormon or about Christ and have faith it will work out. Hopefully the MTC will start our language training soon

Another highlight from the week was when we went on a church history tour to Preston and learned about some of the very first missionaries of the church. We went to a town square where Heber C Kimball preached the gospel, saw the river where the first British saints were baptized and got to see lots of great parts of the city. President Preston (old Manchester mission president) led the tour and told us more about the great history of the church in England. It was so fun and it was nice to get out of the MTC

This week we've learned a ton about the book of Mormon and how it is the most powerful tool we can use in conversion. It is another testament of Jesus Christ and we will grow to know him and love him as we read the Book of Mormon. There's a fantastic talk about it by elder Holland that I highly encourage you all watch. It's called Safety for the Soul and is AMAZING. The book of Mormon manifests the power of the atonement and of Christ's doctrine. I'm so grateful for it and challenge all to read it.

Hurrah for Israel!
Elder McConkie

MTC Group - England MTC

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Week One Baby - England MTC


The first week here in Chorley England has been great. It took us 34 hours to get here after me and 20 other British missionaries missed flight after flight after flight. It's alright though, just happy we made it. 
The MTC here is super small but it's beautiful. Currently has only 50 missionaries so everybody knows everybody and it's right next to the Preston temple.There's a lot of foreign missionaries here too so it's fun to learn about their cultures. My companions name is Elder Hardman! He's awesome and we get along great. 

Some highlights from the week:

My district! Lucky me I got called as the district leader over the Manchester missionaries and I've loved the responsibilities that come with it. My district is phenomenal! We've got 8 Elders going to Manchester from Utah, LA, Finland, Norway, Germany, and Czech Republic. Seriously the best group of guys I could ask for. Love em all. 

The Classes! The teachers here are amazing and we learn and study SO much. Elder Hardman and I got to teach an investigator this week 3 times and it was fantastic. Can't wait to do it for real. We also do an exercise where we learn a lesson and then practice trying to teach another missionary the lesson in 3 minutes, then 1 1/2 minutes and then 30 seconds. Me and my Czech homie Elder Novotny were teaching each other the restoration in 30 seconds and we were both trying to talk so fast to fit in all we had to say it was so funny we lost it haha. It's been a while since I've laughed that hard. I've been refreshing my Czech language skills too with Elder Novotny it's moc dobry ;)

Yesterday all 50 missionaries were able to go out to a main square in Manchester and practice Proselyting. It was nice to get out of the MTC and do some real missionary work. We were only able to do it for 2 hours but we talked with lots of great people and placed a few Books of Mormon! We were also rejected a lot too tho, a lot of people just swore at us or flipped us off haha it was a great experience. 

We got to do a session in the temple this morning and I really am so grateful I have a temple in my mission. Temples are a blessing. 

This week we've talked a lot about our missionary purpose of Inviting others to come unto Christ. We watched a devotional with president Bednar in which he talked of how when the natural man would turn inwards and think of himself, Christ ALWAYS looks outward and looks at how he can; care for others. As I've been reading about Christ this week I've noticed it! In every instance, the savior looks at how he can help others. I get more and more excited to get into the field every day and invite others unto Christ and tell them of the restoration of HIS church on the earth today. The atonement blesses us with strength beyond our own and I can't wait to share it with others. 

Pics below
All the loves 
Elder McConkie

England MTC

Preston, England Temple