Monday, September 24, 2018

Ball is Life - Liverpool, England

Hello hello!

I want to go play basketball with the other elders so here's my rapid fire email for the week:
Liverpool is grand
It rains all day every day
I make killer omelets
We accidentally killed a squirrel
Miracle: We met an Italian named Salvador in pouring rain who brought 5 friends to a lesson 
Our investigators Ewan and Kay are getting baptised on Oct6!
I sang in the primary program!
You already know the Brazilian kids and I are working on our secret handshakes
The Book of Mormon is amazing
Go read your Book of Mormon it's amazing
I drove on Penny Lane (If you're a Beatles fan you'll get it)
Skauss is not English
I love contacting!
I love my companions!
I love my mission!
I love this gospel!

Spiritual thought woot!
Take advantage of the power of prayer!! Pray sincerely and often to your heavenly father! He loves us so much and wants us to talk to him and ask him for help. Pour out your heart to him! Tell him your hopes and dreams, your worries and fears and then have faith that he will help and guide you. Prayer is powerful!

The only picture I took this week was of me and my killer pasta salad haha sorry

Have a lovely week everyone!
Elder McConkie

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