Monday, September 3, 2018

LIVERPOOL! - Liverpool, England

Elder McConkie, President McReynolds, Sister McReynolds

Last Tuesday we were shipped out of the MTC and took a bus to the mission home in Manchester! President and Sister McReynolds are fantastic. My whole companionship thing is a bit complicated haha. I'm in a trio with two Zone Leaders! My companions are Elder Auderlicky from the Czech Republic and Elder Masekoameng from South Africa/London. They've been working me hard and I've learned lots from them already. Because they have lots of ZL responsibilities I'll sometimes go on splits with Elders Li and Chen from China and Taiwan. So I've got essentially 4 trainers. It's grand.We are serving in the central Liverpool area and it's a beautiful city. Reminds me a lot of San Francisco.

Some highlights from the week:
Meeting the members! The Liverpool ward has a lot of different nationalities especially Brazilians and Chinese so I'm learning a bit of Portuguese and Mandarin from the members. They're all so joyful and I love em already.

We hosted a fireside in Liverpool last night where recently baptised members told their conversion stories and bore their testimonies. Missionaries from around the mission brought people investigating the church to listen to people who were in their shoes just a few weeks ago. It was a great night and I think it really impacted some people we are teaching.

The 21 day BofM challenge!
There is a challenge going around the Europe area that invites people to read a passage from the BofM that correlates with some big questions that some people might have for 21 days. It's a fantastic challenge and if you want to try it(you should) you should be able to find it on LDS.ORG.UK We did a street display advertising it downtown and I really enjoyed talking to people about it. It's funny though how people have such strong, negative opinions of the BofM when they haven't even read it haha.

I love you all, please please read your Book of Mormons every single day. In a world filled with so much chaos and distractions, it can give us such great peace and happiness!!

All the loves
Elder McConkie

Tour of Liverpool with President and Sister McReynolds

Elder McConkie and companion Elder Auderlicky from the Czech Republic

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