Monday, September 17, 2018

- Liverpoool, England

Hello Loves!
It's been another grand week here in Liverpool! We've been so so busy but it's been great. 

This week my trainers had to go to a mission leadership council in Manchester so I got to go on splits with the phenomenal Elders Li and Chen. We had the craziest day ever and so many things just didn't work out. But then I contacted a lady at the bus stop and she wasn't super interested but she liked how willing we were to talk with her that she gave us 20£!! So we went to KFC and spent every last pence and had a feast. It was a bit of tender mercy haha.

I am so so happy I get to speak English on my mission, but also, I'm learning a little bit of lots of languages! There are so many different languages and cultures here that it helps to be able to connect with people a bit in their native tongue. 

The other day we went to visit our friends in the hospital and we read scriptures and taught them about prayer in Portuguese. At a street display, I contacted a lady in very broken Czech and tried to understand Skauss. Later that night we had Chinese festival we put on as a district that was aimed at bringing in ysa and there was a testimony meeting after in Chinese. After the testimony meeting, our companionship grabbed elder Brochu from France and we went and taught the restoration to one of our investigators in French!

I've realized this week how universal our church really is. It doesn't matter who you are, where you come from, what language you speak, or anything! We are all sons and daughters of God and he loves us all so much and wants us so desperately to return to him. That's why the gospel needs to be preached in every nation and every tongue! That's why we need missionaries! God speaks to his children through the spirit but how are they supposed to know that if we don't spread the word that everyone has a savior to turn to and a father in heaven who is mindful of everything they're going through. Spread the good word! Love the people!

Everyone go read Helaman 5:6-12 and then go tell someone why it's so important to have a testimony of Jesus Christ. Verse 12 is a classic but it's so important in this day and age.

This was a lengthy email sweet goodness
Love you all!
Elder McConkie

Elder McConkie, Elder Li, Elder Chen

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