Tuesday, September 11, 2018

One Month! - Liverpool, England

Hello! This week has been lovely. My trainers are working me hard and we've been able to teach a lot this week! I don't really know how to summarize everything so I'll just share the 2 most memorable moments from the week:

1) We accidentally set the church kitchen on fire

2) We have had a few street displays in downtown Liverpool this week where there have been some very interesting encounters while contacting. Most of the time people just try to avoid you or pretend they don't see you (but I know they can, I'm 6'9 for crying out loud). One time I tried to stop a man and he said, "sorry brother I've gotta keep walking" and I was kinda tired of people giving me that excuse so I said "alright I can walk with you" And he was kinda surprised haha but I walked with him and ended up giving him a book of Mormon and bore my testimony of it. One thing I've learned is if you can crack people's worldly shell and can really start seeing them the way God does, your love for them (even if you've only met them for a minute) grows and you want nothing more than for them to realize how much God loves them! The gospel can fill any problem or worry or concern someone has, you just have to find out what it is.

Find someone this week who is struggling. Be there for them, love them and let them know that their father in heaven loves them unconditionally! Be bold enough to share something from the gospel that you think will be able to help them!

Missions are so hard and can be discouraging but I've already been able to see how the Lord is helping us find those who need the Lord. 

My motto this week has been:
Have Faith! Act in Faith! And see the blessings! 

Love you all!
Elder McConkie

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