Monday, October 1, 2018

Faith Cereal - Liverpool, England

Hello Loves!

It's been a crazy week!
A lot of our plans fell through over and over this week and there have been some hefty days of street contacting and door knocking. We've been able to find lots of great people though that I'm looking forward to teaching this week.

Who else is STOKED for General Conference

Liverpool is great because there's 3 other companionships in the ward and we get to go on tons of exchanges because my trainers are zone leaders! We've been with the Southport, Warrington, Crosby, and Liverpool B elders and it's so much fun

I just burned my pizza because I spaced out writing this spiritual thought so please enjoy it:

I've been studying lots about faith and decided that faith isn't like a little seed it's more like honey hoops (off brand honey nut cheerios). When you pour cereal into a bowl, then the next step is to add milk. You naturally think "Oh yeah this needs some milk" because who wants just plain cereal. The difference between faith and belief is that faith naturally invokes action. You can't have genuine faith, not do anything and pack your bags for the celestial kingdom, that's nonsense. If you have genuine faith then you're going to naturally apply some sort of action in response. For example, if you have genuine faith in Jesus Christ then you will NATURALLY want to repent frequently and sincerely, you will NATURALLY want to make and keep covenants with God and you will NATURALLY have a desire to endure to the end and remain worthy to have the holy ghost with you. So yeah, faith is like honey hoops! The more you act on your faith (add your milk to your cereal) then the more miracles you'll see (The more tasty your bowl of cereal)! 

Metaphors are pretty neat aren't they

Have a great week everyone
Listen to General Conference!
Much love
Elder McConkie

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