Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Manchester-Bound - Liverpool, England

Hello Loves!

Crazy crazy week, sweet goodness it's been busy

Some highlights:

Elder Audrlicky and I went to Manchester on Wednesday for a new missionary training and it was so fun to see the MTC group again

On Saturday we woke up early to go fill the font in Liverpool. The font was pretty filthy so we spent a good hour cleaning it so there wouldn't be hair and bugs in the water. We finally finished cleaning the font and then started filling it and after a few minutes it started spewing this nasty thick yellow water and we flipped out. So we drained the font, cleaned the font again, and Thank goodness it all worked out eventually. 
Ewan and Kay were baptised later that day in clean water and it was wonderful.

I loved conference so much!! I am grateful for a living prophet who has a vision for this church and is actively making great strides to further the work of the Lord. 

I'm leaving Liverpool tomorrow! I've been transferred to the Manchester South area and I'm stoked for this next transfer

Much love! 
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder McConkie

1.the MTC crew
2.baptism day
3. My man elder Chen!
4.cleaning the font/I fixed the mirror thing woot

the MTC crew

baptism day

cleaning the font/I fixed the mirror thing woot

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