Monday, October 15, 2018

Tallest Companionship in Church History - Manchester, England

Hello loves!

I'm loving Manchester South and my new companion Elder Carlson is fantastic! He's from Utah and is probably the only other missionary in the world taller than I am. He's 7 foot and I'm 6'9 so we've had some funny reactions this week to our height and multiple drunks have tried to fight us to show their buddies how tough they are. Good fun.

We've been working really well together. We've found loads of new people we hope to meet up with this week and start teaching. I am consistently astounded at the influence our Heavenly Father has in this work and how he leads us to those who are ready to hear the gospel. It is truly a blessing and there's no way we could do it by ourselves. 

My trainer Elder Audrlicky told me the day before I left Liverpool that the best missionaries are like Michael Jordan. Michael Jordan could go into any game at any time and instantly make a difference and change the game. Man South is my new arena and I'm here to make a difference! I don't want to just go through the motions on my mission, I want to teach repentance and baptize converts. I want to invite as many people as I can to come unto Christ. 

As I've been thinking about the change in church schedule I've studied the talks from general conference. Over and over they say that this will help "deepen conversion". I think this change has come because far too often members just go through the motions and aren't building their testimonies or faith as frequently as our heavenly father would hope for us. If you feel like you are just going through the motions of the gospel, that's OK. You can change! I invite and plead with you to start thinking how to make your homes and lives more centered on the atonement and gospel of Jesus Christ. Take the necessary steps to build your faith!! Be a spiritual Michael Jordan yeah? 

Much Love to all of you! 
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder McConkie


Me, Elder Carlson, and the new Elder Chen!

Me and elder C

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