Friday, November 23, 2018

Dare to Stand Alone! - Manchester, England

Hello Loves!

It's been a brilliant 2 weeks. Manchester is the greatest. 

Transfer calls were yesterday and the twin towers of the EMM are splitting up. Elder Carlson is off to Chorley to be a ZL and I'm training a new missionary here in Man South! I get my trainee tomorrow morning and I'm so excited for this transfer. 

So we aren't allowed to use the "I'm a Mormon" pass along cards anymore so I turned a bunch of them into little playing cards for object lessons with members! The Members here are so great and are key in missionary work so we've been trying to help them see that everyone everywhere can do missionary work. No excuses!

We had a street Display in Sale on Saturday. And I don't know what was happening but bible bashers were just coming from everywhere!
10 minutes in, a man came up to me and told me I was wasting my life away, that Joseph Smith was a fraud, and that I should just quit now and go home. This isn't the first time this has happened of course but this man was trying to tear me apart and I almost almost almost lost my cool (please note that I am not using the C word in slang but to refer to my temper). So my patience was tested and then I met two other bashers who were just ridiculous and it took all my willpower to not just destroy them with doctrine from the scriptures. 

After the third I turned around, looked up at the sky for a second, took a deep breath, and then a scripture popped into my head:
2 Nephi 6:17-"...for the mighty God shall deliver His covenant people. For thus saith the Lord: I will contend with them that contendeth with thee-" 
And the spirit hit me, and It confirmed to me this idea that the Lord was on my side, that my Heavenly Father was with me helping me along the way and that I could trust Him. 

I kept talking to people and within the next five minutes found a man named David! The spirit took over the conversation and as I bore testimony of the book of mormon I told him that if he read it, he could trust God and that he could know for himself. It was amazing to testify of something I had just gained a witness of.

The Lord is preparing people to hear the gospel!
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder McConkie

PS I dunked on Elder Carlson let's gooooooo

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