Saturday, March 14, 2020

The Heavens are Open! - Manchester, England

Blessed week!
Very very very busy and spirit packed.
We had two of four Zone Conferences. One up near Preston and the other in Manchester. We focused the whole conference around the Restoration in prep for General Conference and wow I learned heaps. There was a quote by President Nelson we looked at that said: 
Brothers and sisters, how can we become the men and women—the Christlike servants—the Lord needs us to be? How can we find answers to questions that perplex us? If Joseph Smith’s transcendent experience in the Sacred Grove teaches us anything, it is that the heavens are open and that God speaks to His children. 
The heavens are open! God speaks! He is aware and mindful of all His children. That gets me hyped.

This week we taught our friend Anastasia. She is incredible. As we taught her the Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ we emphasized and discussed the process and power of receiving personal revelation, and the importance of revelation for the Church through a prophet. We drew a big arch on the whiteboard with the Book of Mormon as the Keystone. We assigned different questions she had into the other stones supporting the arch and then promised her that if she came to know the Book was true that she would find answers to each question. Before we could even invite her to pray, she told us that she knows the Book of Mormon is true and thus found the answer to one of her questions... she wants to be baptized! We are excited for her!

Our friend Shin was baptized this week! Elder Stephens met him on the streets a little over a month ago and he has amazed us by his faith and trust in God. He's the man!

As I've studied Joseph Smith's life, teachings, and experiences I have been inspired by his attitude. He suffered so much affliction and torment during his life but he was commonly known among the saints for being "cheery". The way he viewed adversity and the way he responded to trials was astounding. He faced seemingly unbearable opposition but was always able to be of good cheer. It reminded me of a scripture in D&C 78:18 when the Lord says:
"And ye cannot bear all things now; nevertheless, be of good cheer, for I will lead you along." 
I think sometimes we have moments where we don't know if we can handle the opposition we face. It's important that during those times we remember this promise. We may feel like we're drowning in difficulties, but we can rejoice in the midst of our trials because of our faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement. Be of good cheer! Learn what it means to trust in the Lord, and I promise that He will lead you along.

Love you all,
Elder McConkie

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