Saturday, March 28, 2020

Rejoice! - Manchester, England


It's been a while since I wrote a group email and wow it's been eventful.

Two weeks ago I was on exchanges in Stockport and I got a call from Sister McReynolds informing me that ALL of our Senior Couples were going home and I was shook as a book. In my head I started to run through all the different things the Senior Couples do and I couldn't quite comprehend how the mission was going to work without them.

The day when we drove them to the airport was a sad one, but you should have seen them! They were the most hopeful, and happy people I've ever seen. Not happy to be going, but their faith in Jesus Christ was just profoundly evident. All of them were telling me over and over about all the miracles about to happen.

One of my favorite Senior Couples was Elder and Sister Ralphs. When we were in the car park of the chapel, Sister Ralphs turned around to say goodbye to some of the others. She put her hand up like she was leading a revolution or something and yelled, "Godspeed! God lives and we have a prophet!!!".

When we got to the airport they were all singing hymns.

It seems like for the past two weeks there have been loads of changes to life that could easily allow us to have a negative outlook. But we can rejoice amidst our trials because of our faith in Jesus Christ. We can always have joy! In Hebrews 11 we learn that faith isn't just a hope in things we can't see, but an assurance also. An assurance that the Master Healer of all physical and temporal pain will help each and every individual who will follow Him. Corona virus has caused loads of temporal and spiritual damage around the world, but we can be blessed with a divinely peaceful assurance as we exercise faith. "Therefore, lift up your heads, and rejoice, and put your trust in God, in that God who was the God of Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob; and also, that God who brought the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt, and caused that they should walk through the Red Sea on dry ground, and fed them with manna that they might not perish in the wilderness; and many more things did he do for them."(Mosiah 7:19).

Rejoice! God lives and we have a prophet!

Much love from England,

Elder McConkie

1-4- pre lockdown
5 - testimony meeting w Liverpool zone!

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