Monday, July 1, 2019

Cynthia - Ether 12:6 - Newcastle


Story time
Go waaay back to about January when Elder Pohořelický and I found this woman named Cynthia when I was still in Manchester. I remember the night we found her was one of the hardest days of my mission! Our entire teaching pool had just been totally destroyed in a matter of days, and we were ready to call it quits for the day, but we felt prompted to go finding. It was freezing English winter and like 8pm but we found Cynthia and she was baptised on Saturday!!!!!!!!!  It's strengthened my testimony that miracles haven't ceased, that the field is white, and the Lord blesses us as we act righteously in response to opposition. She is the biggest miracle.

It got me thinking... How many Cynthias are out there? Like when missionaries get discouraged because they face opposition and then more opposition and decide to slack off instead of keep going, how many "Cynthias" have been missed? I'm just so grateful that we decided to go out finding that night. I've learned so so so much from that one decision. It's changed my life and my perspective on the work and I can't imagine what it'd be like if we didn't push through. I read in Ether 12:6-12 and I just thought about how missionaries need to get so hyped when trials come because that's when the miracle is just around the corner. 

Cynthia went all out for her baptism haha she invited anyone and everyone, got a fancy white dress, brought a ton of food, and was just the happiest person you've ever seen. Just so much joy from that day. I gave one of the talks for the service and Elder Nathan baptised her! She bore her testimony after and told her story of coming to the church and it was so powerful.

So much gratitude. God is so great.

Sorry for the long story, but push through people! The Lord has some incredible miracle just waiting for you.

My favourite quote right now:
"The greatest decision I've ever made was giving up something i loved, for the God I love even more." -Thomas S. Monson

Be Brave for Jesus!

Elder McConkie

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