Monday, July 8, 2019

Alma 26:8 - Newcastle

This week was one of the best
Here's a quick rundown..
Went to Shrewsbury

Finding ALL day! It was a party. We found lots of great people that I'm hyped to meet with this week.

About a month ago, I got to go up to Manchester to Street contact people coming out of the Book of Mormon Musical, and one of the people I found got baptised! Her name is Lydia and she is absolutely amazing. She had a marvellous light about her and it was incredible to see how the gospel can change someone in such a short amount of time. All the Lord requires to refine is a broken heart and a contrite spirit, and he'll shape you into the person he needs... Which is coincidentally also the best version of you! Mosiah 2:41

We had a marvellous MLC in Manchester. It's always so inspiring to get insights from the other missionaries there! 

Every month we have a fireside where recent converts tell their conversion story and missionaries bring friends being taught. It's always so incredible and at this one I was able to watch these 5 phenomenal individuals I've been blessed to know and teach get up and bear their testimonies to hundreds of people. I was filled with an indescribable amount of gratitude for the blessings and miracles I've seen on my mission. After our Recent Convert, Nida, bore her testimony, a member next to me tapped my shoulder and said "that was worth the two years wasn't it?". And it most definitely was. I love my mission!

Acts 5:38-39
Be brave for Jesus
Elder McConkie

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