Tuesday, February 12, 2019

NEWCASTLE - Manchester, England

Hello Loves!
What a week!
Transfer calls were yesterday and I'm leaving the blessed land of Man South. Elder Poho is training a new missionary(!!!!!) and I'll be going down to Newcastle-under-lyme to be a Zone Leader with Elder Dawe! Hyped for this transfer.  

Resilience is the name of the game over here in the British missions. Yesterday I went finding for 9 hours, and found nobody, but then the very last person we spoke to on our way home became a new friend. Our motto is "when the going gets tough, the tough get finding". 

Sort of goes with what I was studying this week in Mark chapter 2. In the chapter, there are 4 men who take a man with Palsy to Christ by going through the roof of a home. After going through this wild amount of effort, In verse 5 it says:
"When Jesus saw their faith, he said unto the sick of the palsy, Son, thy sins be forgiven thee"

The time I've been here has taught me how to put my trust in God no matter how hard it gets. And the miracles I've seen almost always come after I've had to show faith towards a trial or some sort of opposition. I love this work and I love the Lord who knows me and is mindful of me. He has blessed me with love inspired opposition and corrections to help me grow and become the individual he wants me to be. 

In other news, i got punched by a surprisingly swift 87 year old man this week

I love my job!
Hurrah for Israel!
Be brave for Jesus
Romans 1:16

Elder McConkie

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