Monday, January 7, 2019

Risk it for a Biscuit - Manchester, England

Hello Loves!

It has been almost two months since I wrote a group email. There are a lot of exciting things happening here in Manchester South, and we've seen such great miracles this last transfer! I will be in Man South for another 6 weeks and finishing Elder Pohorelicky's training. 

So much has happened, but a lot of things have stayed the same! For example, it rains all the time, it's freezing, bible bashers are everywhere, being a district leader trainer is stressful haha, miracles keep happening, we are working so hard, and the Book of Mormon continues to amaze me.

At the moment, we have 5 amazing people on date!
Two of which are this wonderful couple Elder Carlson and I found back in November. Their names are {B} & {C} and they are in their mid 70's, have always gone to Church of England, but were so amazed at the kindness of the members and how everyone offers them help. There were certain things we planned to share in one of our earlier lessons with them that we felt prompted to share and they were so perfectly tailored to their needs. When Elder Po invited them to be baptised I witnessed the gift of tongues. It was crazy! Beforehand, he was struggling to remember how to invite them and was stressing out about it, but when he did it, he spoke in the clearest most natural English I've heard him speak and the spirit just rang throughout the room and they accepted! After the lesson we said goodbye and once the door closed I was HYPED. Imagine me after getting a monster roof block against Skyline in volleyball or pounding a ball on the ten foot line in game and then just yelling my guts out haha! Jumping up and down, fist pumping, and just saying things along the lines of "THATS IT ELDER!! LETS GOOO!! YOU KILLED IT ELDER!! THAT'S WHAT WE WORK FOR!!" That spiritual energy inside all came out once we were outside and I was the happiest boy you have ever seen. Ever since then they've continued to progress so well and love the gospel.

Another one of our friends on date is named {C}! The first time we met with him he told us that he wants "a proper baptism" and we were so excited. He is amazing! And so determined, he reads the Book of Mormon every day, and is so anxious to come closer to God

Missionary work is so hard! And I miss my family so much, but the Lord continues to bless me and teach me in such brilliant ways. I've noticed that as I become more anxiously engaged in this work, and strive to align my will with the Lords, I am so much happier. I promise that you can find greater happiness as you strive to follow the commandments God and align your will with His. 

This was a hefty email sweet goodness

Hurrah for Israel!
All the Loves
Elder McConkie

Photos from the mission president's wife, Sister McReynolds, and one of George skyping Wilson

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