Monday, January 14, 2019

Hug it! - Manchester, England


Remember that you have all been given the wonderful gift of Agency. You are agents to act! Choose to act, and not to be acted upon. Satan's plan is the same here as it was in the pre-mortal life and that is to take away your agency! Don't let him! Give him a good punch in the jaw and develop your own personal faith in the Savior through your own personal experience and watch as your life has an increase of joy and fulfillment.

Early this week Elder Pohořelický and I had two of our 'Golden investigators' who were dated for baptism decide to stop meeting with us, but we immediately chose to not be discouraged. In response, we decided to up our regular finding goal of 5, to 10 new friends, and I have had more fun this week than I have my whole mission! We'd be sitting in members homes anxious to get out because we just wanted to find find find, and we found our 10!

When opposition comes your way, welcome it with a nice big hug and make sure it knows that you are going to choose to be happy.

Hurrah for Israel!
All the Loves
Elder McTired

Doesn't really capture it but my area is real sketchy

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