Monday, July 6, 2020

GB photos and email from Elder Mcconkie - Manchester, England


Hope everyone is doing well. It's been a while since I've emailed so here's an update on the work in Manchester.

We've been very busy but here are some highlights from the last little while:

Few weeks back I was transferred! After serving in the YSA ward in central Manchester for 9 months I was moved to the other Elder companionship in the same YSA ward to finish my mission. Not complaining one bit, I ABSOLUTELY LOVE this city, and these people. And my companions are ace!

It was surreal to not be serving with Elder Pohorelicky haha I will miss my Czech compadre. We served together 3 different times for a total of 9 months. I will miss him dearly.

Small insight on my new companions:
Elder Dixon is from England, he's got a lot of love and is a phenomenal leader and teacher. He makes some killer bangers and mash as well.

Elder LIMAAAAAAA is from Brazil! He's an Old Testament wizard and has a powerful testimony.

Highlights from the week:

Lesson with Saman! Saman is ready to be baptised once the government loosens up on the restrictions. We've taught him everything so we thought we'd spice it up and teach him about becoming like God. He loved it and we had a good discussion and it got me thinking some more...

Someone once told me that whatever happens in life, you just need to know who you are. When anything bad comes your way, if you really know who you are you'll be just fine. I know who I am because I know who God is. An understanding of Him and His plan opens up a perspective for me that changes the way I live my life. It changes the way I see others, and treat others. It helps me know what steps I need to take in my life. If you're ever having a little identity crisis, just remember who you really are in the grand eternal scheme of things and you'll be just fine. Don't get tunnel vision on the "here and now". Remember that your identity, your purpose, and your potential are directly tied to a loving Father in Heaven who is anxiously waiting to help you on your journey to perfection.

Love you all!
Elder McConkie

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