Monday, April 15, 2019

Nida and Mary! - Newcastle, England

Hellooo Loves!

What a blessed week. We have seen an insane amount of miracles, it's been incredible.

The highlight was definitely the baptism of Nida and Mary! Nida and Mary are practically family for me and Elder Dawe now, and it's always so much fun to go teach them. They are so amazing and some of our best friends. I had the opportunity to baptise Nida! I remember saying “Having been commissioned…” and just having the biggest feeling of complete joy come over me. I couldn't stop smiling! 

We have been so blessed with a self referral FAMILY. Which is unheard of in our mission, but this week we were able to put them on date for baptism! They won't stop asking us when we're going to the temple haha they're as golden as they come

Seriously people the Lord is hastening the work!!

Another highlight of the week for me was on Sunday, at the new member missionary fireside. I was amazed to see that the Man South Elders had their friend Cynthia there. 3 months ago, Elder Pohorelicky and I had just been suddenly dropped by two of our friends dated for baptism, and felt like there was just no end to the opposition. Rather than just finishing the night with our comp study, we felt strongly we needed to go finding. We dropped everything, said a meaningful prayer, followed the spirit, and we went out and found Cynthia!! And now my grandson Elder Nathan is teaching her and she is progressing towards baptism. I am so happy for her. She is amazing! 

Remember that whenever you feel that you just can't go another day, because your trials are so overwhelming, that the Lord is with you. He knows you and he loves you! He is with you today, and tomorrow, and the next day and the next. When you get out on the edges of your faith, hold strong! Don't quit! The Lord has something incredible in store for you, just keep going. His promises are sure!

This has been the greatest week of my whole life. I love this place, and these people, and the Lord with all my heart. 

Hurrah for Israel!

Elder McConkie

With our friend, Cynthia

Baptism of Nida and Mary

Baptism of Nida and Mary

Monday, April 8, 2019

Get on the Boat! - Newcastle, England

Hello Loves!

Despite my utterly dismal efforts to write group emails over the past like 10 weeks I am still on and loving my mission haha I just have such little time. I will be better!

A whole lot has happened since I last wrote, but the Lord has blessed us here in Newcastle. The miracles we've seen have been tremendous. 

Here are a few things that happened this week, and some things I learned!

Our friends Nida and Mary had their baptismal interview! We have been working with them a lot since I've come into Newcastle and their conversion has been outstanding. Mary is 14 and had an incredible experience with the Priesthood and has been so receptive to the spirit since then. She is amazing and even bore her testimony in sacrament meeting a few weeks ago! Her mother Nida had a lot of questions at first but has told us how "The Book of Mormon has all the answers" and she's gained countless confirmations of its truthfulness. We are so excited for them and have grown to love them so much! 

Well look at this.. I procrastinated it yet again and now have no more time haha

But just to finish, I love President Russell M. Nelson. His Sunday morning session talk got me so hyped to go out and work. There's not enough time in a day to even write a group email because there's too much to do haha. I felt like I was watching a modern day Noah, letting the world know that "time is running out" and it's time to get on the boat! When the flood comes, make absolutely sure that you will be on the boat. Follow the prophet!

Anyways gotta dash
Love you all!
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder McConkie