Monday, September 30, 2019

I'm Home! - Liverpool, England

Miracles have not ceased... here's a group email!!

It's been ages since I last wrote. Last transfer was a rollercoaster, our Zone got combined with another zone so we had a whopping 36 missionaries. I was with my trainee Elder Pohorelicky again and we went on like 15 exchanges and were crazy busy, it was good fun! I'll attach some pics of our many adventures

After 7.5 months in Newcastle I've moved back to my first area in Liverpool!! It's so good to be home. My companions name is Elder Crawford from Alabama. He likes his kool-aid and his grits and is a killer missionary.

2 Nephi 11:5
Jacob 4:11

The Atonement! How Incredible is the Atonement. The Atonement is all encompassing and the central aspect of God's great eternal plan, but it's purposes are meant to be individual and personal. To help each of us, one by one, to be cleansed from Sin, free from pain, and return to our father in Heaven. All of us, regardless of who we are or what we've done, can be "at one" with God, because of the Saviours great sacrifice for us all. The Atonement brings us in unity with God, but also unifies us as people together. A home and a family focused on the Atonement is one that will be blessed, strengthened, and unified.

I'm so grateful to get to share this with people! And also increasingly surprised that God trusts a bunch of 18-21 year olds to bring it to the whole world... There's lots to do!

Be brave for Jesus!
Hurrah for Israel!

Elder McConkie

Teaching my boy how to drive
Waaay back to Exchanges in Rhyl!
The boys at MLC!
Back in Beatles Country
BofM musical pt. 3

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

July - August 2019 Photos - Newcastle, England

From July and August:

Saying goodbye to elder Nathan and hello to elder Pohorelicky in Newcastle

Pday hike

Helping out members

Elder Pohorelicky

Elder Nathan

Elder Platts

Elder Nathan, Elder McConkie, Elder Pohorelicky

Elder Platts

Elder Pohorelicky

Elder Pohorelicky

Elder Pohorelicky

Elder Pohorelicky